Wednesday, January 21, 2009

New bag, New pictures

I got my new Kata bag yesterday and I have to say it is great, fits all my gear and is comfortable ta boot. I also went out in the 20 degree weather today and took some pics with the D80, I almost lost a finger to frost bite but it was worth it, just to go out and shoot. Above is one of the little woodland creatures I found, I took about 125 pictures and kept about 10, I guess that's about average. I also tried out my 50mm f1.4 lens and while it is a great lens, it is fully manual making it a huge challenge to get it right, I am thrust back into the 70's as soon as I put it on, but it is crisp. Everyone should have a fully manual lens in their bag, just for the experience. I am coming along with Aperture 2 as well, I am able to do some seriously cool editing I never could of done a few days ago, totally worth the investment.

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